December 2018: Coaching Your Life

As I look to progress in my writing career and other areas of my life, I am continually reading materials and putting into practice what I have learned. One valuable thing that I’ve come across recently, is the idea of coaching.

In order to become truly skilled in any area of life, you have to focus your resources and energy into that area, alongside applying the necessary actions. In the case of beginners in particular but also really for anyone, it is vital that you make sure that you are doing the right things. A coach can offer experience in that area, tell you what to focus on and give advice on challenges that you may be facing.

In my own case, I have a writing coach (as that is my greatest passion in life), for both the writing and marketing side, as well as an additional friend to help me with the marketing. I have purchased a vegan nutrition and fitness coaching program. I have previously been on coaching courses for communication and presence, which have helped me to articulate in daily life too.

Coaching can really speed up your path to achieving goals and dreams in any area of life. Having that expertise to guide you, is essential. Although, of course, you may come across great success stories whereby an individual has risen to the top on their own, seeking help is one of the best moves you can make, to try and achieve your goals.

The next newsletter and blog that I will be writing, will be in January after all the festivities of Christmas and the New Year. So, that being the case, all that remains is for me to wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year! Have a great December!


Jonny Pardoe


Jonny Pardoe © December 2018



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