5 Ways to Accelerate Your Personal Growth

People get into personal growth for different reasons. I know it was because I thought I wasn’t good enough and wanted to be better in general across life. I don’t feel like that now as I love personal growth and myself, and the two compliment each other.
People will get into personal growth for different reasons, though. Today I am going to outline five tips for you to accelerate it as best as possible.


1.Ask why

It’s essential to get clear on why you want to undertake personal growth as with anything in life. It was a feeling I wanted more in life, I wanted to grow, and I didn’t like myself. Now it’s an entirely different reason. I want to build myself as growth is a great value, and I can offer people something in return. In particular, I focus on confidence and self-love. Without helping my development, I can only provide people so much.
Consider your reason as that will help you understand what might be relevant to you. Personal growth is vast, and numerous resources are available, so be clear on what area you want to grow in and why it is key as with any goal.


2. Learn every day

You don’t have to read all day and every day, as realistically, most of us don’t have the time even if it is important to us. I’m talking about 15-20 minutes a day in your preferred learning form. Little and often is so much better than one big block a week. It keeps our brains fresh and can feel the source of growth each day. For me waking up and reading for 20 minutes is an excellent start to the day.


3. Active learning

This comes off the last one. Active learning can aid the learning process even more. Thinking back to school, imagine when you picked up loads of information to pass exams only to have forgotten it later… Well, with loads of information coming at us, it’s quite easy to ignore it. Active learning can help retain it more, though. I am talking about producing talks on social media, telling friends, writing blogs, or maybe presentations. When I’ve done something with the information, I’ve managed to learn much quicker and retain a lot more.


4. Actions and habits

This goes another step further. Knowledge is only useful when we use it. I used to have dozens of quotes plastered across my room earlier in my twenties but would do nothing with them. Particularly in the last couple of years, when I’ve applied what I’ve learned, my life has changed. When I read, watch, or listen to personal growth, I immediately think of the main actions or habits I can apply to my life. An action is something new to do, and a habit is something to do repeatedly. So whether it’s a new meditation or journaling exercise, I always make sure I apply it. Of course, you won’t be able to use everything you’ve learned, so pick out the important ones.


5. Being aware and noting

As you learn and take action, be aware of what is working. Something that works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa. I can’t do 20-30 minute meditations, but small bits of mindfulness throughout the day works brilliantly for me. Other people live by starting their day with a 20-minute meditation. I tried to force that on me, and it didn’t work. Start to mentally and then physically journal your findings of trying things you, how they make you feel, and what benefit they gave you.



Personal growth has been life-changing for me, but only when I’ve applied it. I love to learn and grow, but I know it only works when I put it into my life. Understand why you want to get into personal growth, learn in fun ways, and apply it.


The video can be found HERE

The podcast can be found HERE

Jonny Pardoe © August 2020
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Jonny Pardoe

Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash


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