You Are More That That

Available on Amazon in paperback and e-book

Lack of clarity on life, lack of true purpose and lack of self-esteem are common challenges, that pose barriers in life to being happy and fulfilled. Then perhaps you discover something you enjoy or are passionate about, but it seems unrealistic or too hard to achieve it. Instead you might settle for less than you know you deserve, whether that’s the average job or the average life.

Why do that? Why would you not want to be the best and happiest version of yourself?

You are capable of so much; YOU ARE MORE THAN THAT!

The book aims not only to educate you with new simple strategies for following your goals and purpose, but questions are asked to you for taking action on. After all; knowledge but no action = no change.

Take these actions, change your world and the rest of the world by becoming that amazing version of you.

Why I wrote this book:

For a few years now I’ve been so big on personal growth, I just love the idea of improving myself everyday which has a positive knock on to others around me. In the last year in particular I’ve really focused on what my goals are and looked at ways to achieve them. I’ve faced so many challenges and still do as I continue to grow. I am such a strong believe that I have a purpose and value to give to the world, whether that is my books, speaking or coaching. I believe everyone has this too. Therefore I wanted to share this to help people too.

I share my own experiences, stories and tips throughout the book so people can relate. Then really think about what they want, strive to get it and enjoy the journey in looking at their goals.


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